// Toomuchofthat "That Can't Be Good"

STX16 | 16-12-2011 | 10 tracks | 50 min | improvisation


music under a creative commons by-nc-nd licence



Toomuchofthat is a noise / ambient project of Tana Barbier, ex Louise Mitchels guitarist, now electroacoustic composer (he even had his DEM in Pantin) living in Mexico. Under the influence of this megalopolis, of Aphex Twin, of Autechre, of Alva Noto, of Mika Vainio or of KK Null, of Otomo Yoshihide and all this japonese scene, noisy, experimenter, he's going to create a music more rhythmic, turned more and more to noise and electroacoustic.


On this way he composed Aramara under his true name. Toomuchofthat is his discharge valve of overflow of noise and ambient. In this album, in this improvisations, we found saturated waves of sound, electroacoustic sections, electronica beats, ambient intermissions, rough sounds, fully sounds, acid sounds and soft sounds.


cover art: Tana Barbier


- Tana Barbier website: soundcloud.com/tana-barbier

- Toomuchofthat website: soundcloud.com/toomuchofthat